I'm Sarah. I’ve recently relocated to the West Kootenays and I am excited about making new connections! I grew up in the East Kootenays – now I get to raise my kids in the West! I am a mom of 4, a former teacher, an advocate for mental health, a believer in speaking your truth and standing up for what is right, a gardener, a coffee lover, and a lover of Doctor Who.
I serve new and expecting families by providing them with intuitive, evidence-based support as a Full Spectrum Birthworker and Childbirth Educator. I specialize in postpartum support, and I am dedicated to supporting your entire family through the first year.
As a certified Full Spectrum Birthworker and Childbirth Educator, I’ve been supporting families since 2018. No matter what your family looks like, I help you find your way through the confusing and emotional time that is birth and the early months postpartum. Whether through prenatal classes or postpartum support, I help you figure out the way on your parenting journey so that you can not just survive but thrive. I help lessen that mental load and build your confidence so you can rock this birth and parenting thing.
I am proud to serve all families regardless of race, gender identity, sexuality, ability, or faith. First time parent(s) or experienced parent(s). Single parents. Families of multiples. Families grown by surrogacy or adoption. No matter what YOUR family looks like or how you’ve grown your family, you deserve to be supported through this transition. I also provide pregnancy and infant loss support to those going through any kind of pregnancy or infant loss including miscarriage, stillbirth, and abortion. You can find out more about me here: www.nurturedpostpartum.ca Follow me on social media: www.instagram.com/nurturedpostpartumco Or contact me for your free consult at [email protected]